Wednesday, April 11, 2012


    It is absolutely true that social networks such as FaceBook affect our lives in one way or another, whether you have a FaceBook account or not, the real thinking point about this topic would be, "Is FaceBook impacting our life in a positive or a negative way? and should we let it impact our life at all?"
FaceBook does have "pluses" to your life like, finding old friends from the past, staying in touch with family members you don't get to see very ofter or friends, post and share videos, pictures, music, poems,etc.. that you may think they have some type of value, but at the same time FaceBook has many negatives sides to it.
     One of the worst things about FB, I think, might be finding something you had not wish to find, like a lie. You ask your friend for a favor, or maybe you are trying really hard to make them answer the phone, or an e-mail and you get the typical response "I have been way too busy, I'm sorry" when in fact you get on FB and see that they have been clubbing, partying, or spending hours and hours glued to the screen of their computer checking FB because that is what we do. How about the way we use language in FB all the "brb" and "lol" are getting to us, I have witnessed it myself many times, we are lacking in spelling words so we abbreviate many words like "hmu" which by the way means "hit me up" and "by the way" means "btw" and many more, I will give you a list of the many abbrebiated words in "FB" which of course means "FaceBook". 
2d4 - To die for 
4COL For crying out loud 
^5 - High 5
99 - Parents are no longer watching 
AYT - Are you there 
B4 Before 
BBL - Be back later
BRB - Be Right Back 
BCUZ or CUZ- Because 
BFF - Best friends forever 
BI5M - Back in 5 minutes 
BCNU - Be seeing you 
BIL - Boss is listening
BTWN or B/W - Between 
CID - Consider it done
 CIL - Check in later 
DEGT- Don't even go there
FWIW- For what it's worth 
FYEO - For your eyes only
GF - Girlfriend 
GFTD - Gone for the day 
Gr8 - Great 
GtG or G2G - Got to go 
HaND - Have a nice day 
HBU - How about you? 
IGU - I give up 
ILY - I love you 
IMO- In my opinion 
JaM - Just a minute 
 JJ - Jusk joking
JK- Just kidding
 K - O'kay
And of course the list goes on, and on, and on, and at it goes on the list gets even more ridiculous, but this is just a side problem, let's be honest we are all starting to use these abbreviations, I use them some times, the text part is probably the least of the problems that FB causes. I think personality changes could be another issue dealing to FB, you are now seeing people post and say things in FB that you don't see very often in an everyday life. You see people posting things that they normally would not associate them self with like, "like marijuana" and "drinking and drugs are cool", that right there is a problem for viewers. Not everything of course is bad but you also see teachers being fired from their job because of opinions that they feel free to post in their FB wall for example, Jerry Buell, a high-school teacher from Lake County School in Florida was suspended for posting his opposition to New York’s new gay-marriage law. Jerry had with a record report that was impeccable for 22 years and he ended up losing his job. If that's not enough then the biggest problem with FB is cyber bullying which is a very serious topic not only because it emotionally hurts but also because many kids, teens, and adults have ended their life due to bullying on FaceBook. It is serious, it is dangerous, and it needs to stop. I believe Mr. Mark Zuckernerg AKA (which means Also Known As) Mr. Z, to me, did not create this powerful social network with the intention of ending people's lives, he might have created it out of rage, but what he tries to portrays everyday (from what I see in his wall) is to enjoy FaceBook in a healthy and harmless way because all he wants us to get out of it is comfort and security, and also the opportunity to stay in touch with our loved one while also having some fun in the Internet and expanding our knowledge of social networking.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Sock Bun?!

    Every now and then my sister, Daiana, gets some crazy idea in her mind about something that she believes is "totally cool" but to me is more like, "mehh" meaning, a little weird. Yesterday night, as I was working on some homework with my friend Krista, Daiana came into my room saying, "OMG guys guess what I just learned to do?!" So me and Krista looked at each other and back at her... "What is it now?" and what she showed us made us laugh for a while, but then I started thinking, do people really do this?! I totally have to show the world! So here is what she showed us.
   First of all she came in the room pointing at her hair (my sister has beautiful long, silk, and super dark hair) that was put into some kind of updo or something like that, then she turned around and showed us the back, which was, againg, in a perfect bun or whatever that hair updo is called. After showing we asked her, "Yay, you still have hair... So what?" but she responded "There's a sock in my hair and you can't even tell" these is when the conversation became hysterical, she literally pulled a white sock out of her hair. Now you guys may wonder "Why the heck would anyone want to put a sock in their hair?" well, Daiana would love to show you guys!
1.) Put your hair in a ponytail
2.) Find a sock an make a cut it at the bottom
3.) Roll your hair in to the sock?
4.) Tide your hair

Even better here is a video

I know it looks a little weird and if your a girl you might be asking yourself "what the heck would we want a sock?" Well actually when you do it right it looks pretty facy, I was really shocked, and if you are a guy then you might be thinking girls are crazy, well and to that I say, ya maybe just a little at least me and my sis.
"Just make sure you can't see the sock... 'cuz that'd SUCK" ~Dai

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Has Got to be One of The Worst Night.

     Last night was seriously the most disappointing night of the year, at least my year. Let's start by, I had to work, there goes one point low into my night. I woke up late, had a pretty slow day, talked to my dad about my plans for the day and headed to work. It was a beautiful day out so of course I expected a busy day at work, which it was, but one customer in particular made my day go down. He wanted to use two "groupons" (which are discount coupons) and really you are not allowed to do that, and me and my co-worker did not know how to deal with that problem so while he was calling our boss to see what we could do for these gentleman I accidentally pressed the button "tender even" because the customer claimed to not have any money. After pressing the button the guy said he in fact had the money but he wanted to pay in a credit card, my co-worker asked him if he minded paying in cash because we can not use a credit card after we have pressed "tender even", the guy had the worst attitude and did not want to cooperate with us which was fine we went on to calling our owner again. I grew very impassion because we were a little busy and there was people behind him so I told the guy not to worry about it and that I would pay for his ice cream which was about ten dollars, he did not seem to appreciate my offer and all he said was "sure" and left, that really upset me because I don't have money to pay for other people's food but I went on to help the next customer. My next customer made me appreciate a little of this crappy day because she saw my conversation with the man in front of her and when she was paying she looked at me and said "Thank you" then she slowly place a five dollar bill on the counter, looked behind her then, looked at me, and did a half wink type of face. She basically paid for half of that guy's ice cream, thank you God because at least there are still people like her out there.
    Later on, I finally got off work and made plans with my friend to go out and grab a bite to eat, well that was a terrible idea. The night turned out into me and my friend getting in a horrible argument and saying things to each other that neither of us meant, but there is no excuse for it, we know that the things we said to each other hurt very deeply. After about an hour and half of arguing we decided it was best to go home and not speak to each other for a while. When I came home I saw my father sitting at the couch and I explained what had happened and basically he said, "Brenda, would you like to go to the store and get me some ice cream?" well, "why not" was my response to that, the night was almost ruined so going to the store to get some delicious ice cream could not ruin my night any more than it was already, but of course I was wrong. I really hate going to Kroger Market Place because that store is giant and I can never find anything there but it was late at night so the place was quiet, I got there, got my ice cream, and got out. Went back home dropped the ice cream and decided to go to my friend Gio's. On my way to his house I was talking to him on the phone about the fight and how I had a horrible night and then I notice, there was a cop behind me flashing his bright blue lights right behind my car. "OH gosh what did I do? Was I speeding?" I thought to myself. Well in fact, according to the officer I was seeping but more over I was accused of hitting a lady's car at the Kroger parking lot. "WTP!" (What The Poop) was my first thought. I had to go back all the way to Spring Hill, back to the parking lot of Kroger to find out that there was no lady, there was no camera on the parking lot, and moreover, there was not a dent in the back of my car. What to do in  the situation where you are being accused of "Hit and Run" I kept myself together but I was secretly pretty angry about the situation, and the fact that the lady just left without leaving her information or a note or anything made me so mad! I was there for about an hour waiting on a lady that never showed up, and the cops were being very unprofessional.
    Basically that was the worst night/day ever, I hope the lady that got hit is Ok but I can assure you that it was not me, and the fact that they did not have substantial evidence about the accident puts me in a good position, but still going through all of that in one day gave me the biggest headache ever! I really hope all of these gets cleared out soon and guys please pray for me so these clears out soon. If you read this, thank you because it night seem like it's just complaining but I'm just filling you in on what a terrible night really is.
 Love Brenda.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

How Come I Didn't Know!

   Lately I've been trying to increase my "music history" by listening and getting to know different types of music/musicians. THERE ARE SO MANY OUT THERE! And I need to be prepare for Bonnaroo since the list of guests had so many bands and solo artists that I've never heard of.
   In my attempt to find new music Gio (one of my good friends) asked me to play "some G-Eazy" which I answered with a "huh!?! G who?". I came to find out that G-Eazy's real name is Gerald Earl Gillum, basically he is, what I would call, a more classy rapper. He is most known for hims interpretation of the 1960's "Runaround Sue". Thanks to this song I also got to hear a new voice, G-Eazy features Greg Banks in "Runaround Sue". Greg Banks has an amazing voice! Thank you Gio for telling me about this great artist and I can honestly say that G-Easy, is easily one of my favorite rappers. How come I didn't know about him before?! Well, I don't know but I'm glad I do.
I hope you guys like him!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Well, this will be my first post in I'm super exited to have a blog again since my last one crashed. This blog does not have an specific destination, I will post random stuff that to me are interesting and it could be anything from music to books, movies to shopping stores, crazy dreams to food, and random stuff like that. I'm just really exited to have a new blog again! I will try to keep up with it as much as I can, so hopefully I will have more time for this one.